Wednesday, March 13, 2024

15 Pool Opening Checklist to Have on Hand

Bestway 56946 Power Steel Vista Pool

Spring is here: it's time to prepare "The Big Reveal." Every springtime, a homeowner is standing at the end of their deck gazing down at the mystery curtain that is the pool cover. They wonder whether the extra effort and time put into closing their pool during the winter really mattered in the end. "I think I'm wondering what the colour of the algae will take this year?" "Maybe I'll actually be capable of seeing at the end of it this year." Maybe, "I hope there's still water in the pool!"

These are only a few of the ideas an owner of a pool has when the time comes to remove the cover on their pool and begin opening their pool. It doesn't matter if it's your first time as a pool manager, or you're in your 20th year it's not difficult to lose, forget or not be aware of the things you need to do to open your pool like an expert. This is why we've created this helpful pool Opening Checklist for Supplies. Let's get started and get started, shall we?

1. Kit for Pool Opening (Plus Additional Pool Shocks to Green Pools)

Inside This Kit, you will find the Swim Pool Opening Kit

One of the most appealing aspects of a kit for opening a pool is that it transforms an entire box of equipment into one thing that is on the list. The Start-Up Kits come with an algaecide clarifier, shock for pool stain and scale removal test strips, as well as a Sun Sorb to soak up oily substances in the pool. Select the correct kit for the size of your pool (up to 7.5k or 15k, 30 or 35k gallon) Your kit will include everything you need to measure the essential components necessary to get your pool ready for opening. We also have Start-Up Kits with a Spring Pill or Pool Refresh to provide an additional boost when it's time to open. You can order 6-12 additional bags of shock for your pool in the event that your pool is green as you'll likely need it.

2. Fresh Reagents for Your Test Kit

In The Swim Testing Kit. It's an aspect we're passionate about here in In The Swim. Don't cut corners in your testing kit. Test strips can be useful but they also provide an instant test. But when it comes to accuracy you should use a high-quality test kit for liquids as your choice, particularly when you're ready for you to start your swimming pool. Most people don't know that the shelf-life of chemical reagents for test kits is actually quite short when compared to other chemicals used in pools. It is recommended to change your test kit reagents each season. Time and cold temperatures gradually alter their chemical structure which can result in low water test results and an overly cloudy pool that results in you spending more money for swimming pool can see where we're headed here? Replace your testing equipment every season so you'll stay in great condition.

3. Water Balancing Chemicals

For The Swim pH reducer, It's inevitable that after you've run the test in your pool you'll need to alter the pH of your water, total alkalinity or calcium hardness levels. It is recommended to check your water for a few days prior to opening day or simply to have some balancers for the increase and decrease ready for use. These chemicals aren't only valuable equipment for opening your pool, you'll need them throughout the summer. Once you've got your basic chemistry levels adjusted where they should be, don't forget to check the stabilizer/conditioner level. Maintain Cyanuric Acid levels in the range of 30-50 ppm to shield your chlorine from the UV radiation of the sun.

4. Pool Pole, Vacuum Head Vacuum Hose Leaf Rake, and Brush

Leaf rake, and pool brush Attachments to the vacuum head. This "one" is actually five different pool accessories. Chances are you already own them however they should be replaced on a regular basis. You don't want that old broken or cracked vacuum head to snap upon you during the process of opening the pool! Check out the tools you use to clean your pool and upgrade or replace them whenever needed so that you have them on hand. Particularly if you're using the cheap and flimsy equipment that your builder provided you, perhaps it's time to upgrade to higher high-quality tools to clean your pool this summer.

5. Garden Hose and/or Leaf Blower

Green garden hoses are the halfway point of our list of supplies for opening pools But a garden hose is should be the first item we suggest when you are ready to open your pool. The first step of the opening process should be raising the water level using the garden hose. Some pools will require filling for a number of hours. If you own an inground swimming pool you could also utilize the hose to spray over the deck. If you own an air-tight cover, you should make sure to run it through the pool prior to and following taking off the cover.

6. Teflon Lube to make O-rings

Jack's Formula Lube For O Rings and GasketsThis is one that is easy to forget about. An oil-lubed gasket in the filter basket assists in creating an airtight seal that will make the life of your pool pump much simpler. Make sure you clean the o-ring using a cloth first, in order to get rid of old dirt and grunge. The same is true for the gaskets and O-rings that are on unions, filters valves, tanks for filtering or wherever where a rubber seal is present. We suggest Jack's Formula 327 multi-purpose pool lube. When you're cleaning everything with lubricant, pay close focus on the state of your o-rings as well as gaskets. If they appear worn-out or cracked, misshapen or crimped, do not spend time lubricating them. It's an ideal time to change them. It's not a problem to lubricate the new components when they're prepared to put in. We'll get to that in a few minutes.

7. Teflon Tape for threaded plugs

Teflon tape is a common item to have in your tool kit for pool use, particularly when you are you are gathering the pool opening equipment. Teflon tape is commonly used for drain plugs, threaded plugs pressure gauges, as well as numerous other fittings with threads that require water tightness. It's a relatively inexpensive, but often overlooked component included in your toolkit for pool use. The absence of Teflon tape or any other thread sealants for threaded connections can result in water and air leaks, which could result in problems with your equipment for swimming pools. To ensure that you are using it correctly, take off any older Teflon tape (patience! ) Then wrap it three to four times over the threaded male plug, in the clockwise direction. Drain caps are used on filters, you can apply Teflon tape on the threaded spigot, where the drain cap connects.

8. Safety Cover Tools Storage Bag and a good Storage Space

safety cover tools you require an additional anchor for your safety cover rod, a key for installation or removal, a sturdy safety cover storage bag or any other piece of safety cover hardware buy them prior to. Find a lovely place to put your cover for your pool, preferring an indoor area that is dry, free of the sun's rays, and also pest-proof. We've seen it all ourselves when we tell you that mice like to chew holes into the safety covers, creating them into Swiss cheese. Keep your safety cover in a place where it isn't an animal's house or food source for bugs. Mint sachets and mothballs may be a bit of security, but you shouldn't keep them outdoors, as much as you can. Keep it in a safe place such as in your basement or on the shelf or the rafters of your garage.

9. Basic Hand Tools

hand tools. Strap the belt of your tool or pull out your toolbox because you'll require at least a wrench as well as a screw driver for tightening the drain plugs, the ladder and filter clamps. It's best to keep the necessary pool opening tools to be stored in your utility belt so that you don't need to look for them during the middle of the process of opening your pool. The most commonly used tools include 1/2 wrenches 9/16' 5/16 and 1/4 driver for nuts Straight and Channellock pliers, as well as the flat as well as Philips screwdrivers. There is nothing unusual in this list.

10. Filter Media

Pool filter cartridge If you have the DE filter, make sure there is enough clean DE dust to go at the very least a couple of backwash cycles. Also, you should ensure that your filter grids are in good order with no tears or stains that are severe. Cartridge filters typically last for a couple of seasons. After spring cleaning and if the old cartridges need replacing add a fresh set and you'll have clean, clear drinking water throughout the summer. Sand filters always benefit from a thorough renewal and cleaning. Utilize a sand cleaner to remove the oil and other contaminants that are trapped in the bed of sand.

11. Bags or filters for automatic cleaners

robotic pool cleaner cartridges have a pool cleaning system, you're sure it'll be working hard the moment you open your pool. For cleaners that are robotic, you should check for signs that the canister, filter, or bag is in need of replacement. Pressure-side cleaners could require bags for debris in the event that the one you have is slightly old. Certain models come with spring clean-up bags or filters with bigger mesh openings for handling heavy debris and leaves and save your fine mesh bags or filters to be used for regular cleaning.

12. Wet-Dry Vacuum

shop vacuum. It's the Swiss Army Knife of maintenance equipment and pool opening materials The trusted wet-dry shop vacuum. Although it's not necessary to own one, it comes useful when opening your pool. For instance, you could make use of it to remove leaves and debris as well as spider webs off the heater of your pool. They are useful to clean beneath burner trays and above the heat exchangers of gas heaters. They can also be used to clean the interior of the heat pump for pool heating.

13. Repair Mineral Cartridges or Salt Cells

mineral cartridges If you have a saltwater pool, make certain to verify whether the salt cell has some life left. Also, ensure that your salt level is exactly where it should be following the topping of the pool with water. In the case of FROG, Jacuzzi, or Nature2 mineral systems, a new 6-month cartridge will prepare you for the upcoming season of swimming. This essential mineral sanitiser component can be overlooked during the initial supply run at the beginning of spring. It's not a problem. Many people put off installing their new mineral tank until after the pool water has dried up.

14. Parts for Skimmers Filter Parts and Parts, Pump Parts Cleaning Parts...All parts!

O-ring gasket kitGive your equipment a thorough examination to ensure that all parts of your filtration system are functioning and in good working order. There may be a problem that you observe immediately, and it could be a problem that arises after the system has been operating for a few days. Or, it may be an issue that you first noticed after the closing of your pool, like cracks in the o-ring. It's better to catch issues in the early stages prior to them becoming larger problems. Take a close look at your filter, pump skimmers, valve heater, cleaner, and all other equipment that is connected to your plumbing. Replace any damaged or broken components immediately. Parts of your pool equipment that are defective and are not replaced could cause worse damage or even failure of the pool equipment.

15. Secure Storage for Winter Plugs, Gizmos, Floaters and Cover Materials

winter pool plugs Nothing makes for an easier opening to your pool than a complete pool closing process, and the reverse is also true. Have you ever spent a few hours searching to find an eyeball? It was there somewhere! It was there this week! Don't make the same mistake again and create a separate box or bag to store all winterizing equipment and other accessories in one place. If you're sure you'll need it in the fall when you're ready to close your pool, make sure you keep the entire collection together and put it away somewhere that's not kept away from the future. In the future, you will be grateful for it!


If you're looking to add a touch of luxury beyond just pool maintenance, consider exploring various types of showers with a touch of gold. You might find inspiration in our article 'Unveiling the Splendor of Showers: Exploring Various Types with a Touch of Gold'.